Truth of you is yours
48" x 48" Acrylic on wood panel
If you need a word to remind yourself who you are, ask yourself why? Then ask yourself why should you believe it? Words cannot describe the indescribable truth of you, and even if they could, they would not bring you to the experience of that truth. Cut yourself off from all of the words of others and trust yourself to go into silence and stillness. The words you find within also cannot be trusted, and so let the inner words fade away and dissolve in the light of truth that you find under the garbage taken in from outside of you and the garbage produced by your own inner voices. Be still and let everything go until your own inner clarity, returns you to your sovereign sanity. Until you do this, you are a boat on the ocean without a motor, sail, or rudder. Stop looking for your truth from outside of yourself. Stop asking questions and observe your inner universe until no questions remain. There are no more questions when the truth of you is yours.